Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

  why gas ethylene / calcium carbide CaC2 (calcium carbide) can ripen fruit?

ethylene gas

Ethylene is a growth hormone that is produced from normal metabolism in plants. Role of ethylene in fruit ripening and leaf loss. Ethylene is also called ethene [1] The compound of ethylene in plants found in the gas phase, so it is also called ethylene gas. Ethylene gas is colorless and volatile

This gas causes the cells of fruit to make all the changes involved with the process of maturation. Such changes include chlorophyll is broken down, causing discoloration, altered starch into sugar and make sweet fruit, causing the fruit acid extract did not feel sour, and dipecahnya pectin that makes fruit softer.

Calcium carbide or carbide is a chemical compound with chemical formula CaC2. Carbide is used in carbide welding process and also to accelerate the maturation of the fruit.
Equation for Calcium Carbide with water is
CaC2 + 2 H2O C2H2 + Ca (OH) 2
Therefore 1 gram CaC2 produces acetylene 349ml. In the process of carbide welding, acetylene is then burned to produce heat.

Carbide can also be used to ripen fruit. Because carbide reacts with water will produce acetylene gas, which can also speed up the process of artificial ripening. However, the use of carbide often leave traces of arsenic and phosphorus which makes it hazardous to human health.
Carbide are exposed to moisture will produce acetylene gas which has a chemical structure similar to the natural ethylene, a substance that makes the process of maturation in the fruit skin. The fermentation process takes place simultaneously resulting in uneven ripening.

Calcium carbide, carbide we call it, when in contact with water or moisture will produce acetylene gas. Gas is its chemical structure is similar to the natural Ethylene. Because it is filled with acetylene gas, the fruit will ripen simultaneously ferment. Yes, if less ripe fruit will not mature as nicely, because the content of carbohydrates - starch substance is still lacking. Acetylene gas as the light would fly and mixed with air.
The use of calcium carbide does not cause negative impacts. Levels of vitamins and minerals does not change because of the use of this carbide. This is because the carbide is the only chemical that stimulates the formation of ethylene gas which stimulates fruit ripening

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